Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why its important to complete your teacher profile

Why it’s important to complete your teacher profile The prospect of applying to teach abroad can feel a little daunting at the start. You create a Teach Away profile, upload your resume and find yourself staring at yet more blank fields to fill out. We get it - it’s easy to procrastinate and promise yourself you’ll get to it later. The fact is, a detailed and up-to-date teacher profile is a crucial part of your teach abroad application. And the good news is, once you fill out your profile, the hard part is over! Simply head on over to our job board and click the “Apply Now” button when you find a job that interests you. So without further ado, let’s get into some of the reasons why you need to get your teacher profile up to scratch - sooner rather than later: A complete profile speeds up your application. A candidate with complete profile details can be assessed immediately and sometimes a screening call can even be scheduled that very day. If a Teach Away recruiter needs to reach out to you to ask for more profile details to be filled in, we lose valuable time. This is especially critical if the program you’re applying to has interviews scheduled on set dates - sometimes that day’s turnaround time is enough to miss out on a great teaching opportunity. A complete profile makes the application review process run more smoothly. A resume can be very hard to read, since there is no universally accepted format. The Teach Away portal and its separate sections allow you to lay out all of your vital details in a way that makes it far easier to review, allowing us (and hiring schools) to better assess your candidacy. Your credentials and your work history are your own, and you want to feel confident that these come through clearly. Filling in the profile sections gives you the chance to verify and double check that your resume matches. That way, you don’t put off future employers with conflicts or errors you might have otherwise missed on your resume. A complete profile puts you in the running for more teaching jobs abroad. Providing us with a wealth of details allows us to filter through what we need. Avoid gaps in your credentials or work history that can turn off prospective employers. You don’t necessarily know what is relevant to recruiters or schools and you don’t want to leave something vital out. Substituted for six months? Definitely include that so the school doesn’t ask why (it looks like) you were unemployed for that time. A complete profile attracts more employers. We present your profile details to the schools/programs - and they are often more important than a resume to hiring schools. Breaking everything down means interviewers don’t have to dig through your history. Instead, they can spend their time getting to know you as an educator. Finally, remember that your application is your application. Only you can be sure that it is complete and correct. If you’re serious about applying to teach abroad, then taking the time to dot every “i” and cross every “t” should be one of your top priorities. So, now that we’ve convinced you, head on over to Teach Away and complete your profile today!

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